Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Wonderful Day to you all Saibabadevotees.

Saibaba used to say" You see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings. If you practice this, you will realize all pervasiveness and thus attain oneness with me."

In other words I think..be nice to everyone... that's what he wanted us to do. I am sure we all try to do that, but if we forget that sometimes, then just think of above sayings..Saibaba is present in other person's heart too!! JaiSainath to all.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Goodday Monday to Saibabafans

Dear Saibabafans Hope you had great weekend.

Saibaba used to say " Do not swim on the surface of the ocean of universal life; simply float"
Dear Saibaba devotees do we try to live frictionless with the events folding and unfolding in our life, not worry and simply float without struggling to make it right? I wonder! JaiSaiRam to all of you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Weekend to Saibaba fans

Dear Saibabafans JaiSaiRam to all of you
Saibaba used to say" I always thinks of him, who remembers me. I run and manifest myself to Him, who lovingly calls me."
Well Saibaba devotees you never know today might be your turn where Saibaba my manifest himself!! that would be wonderful.. let me know.
JaiSainath to all of you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Subhday Saibabafans.

Dear Saibabafans Jai Sainath to all of you.
Saibaba used to say "Renounce the idea of doership, God alone is the real doer. If you accept doership of actions, you shall be bound by the Karma Bandhan. You shall thereby be caught in the unending transmigration of soul."
Dear Saibabafans now that's the tough one to follow, do we understand that ? yes I guess we do. Can we follow it? hard to know. Jaisainth to all Saibabadevotees.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday a Saibabaday

Dear Sai devotees Jaisairam to all of you.

Saibaba used to say "I do not need any paraphernalia(things) of worship, either eight-fold or sixteen fold"
All Saibaba asked or wanted was to have faith and patience.
Jai sainath to all

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Rathyatra Saibabafans

Dear Saibabafans JaiSainath to all of you.
Saibaba used to say " My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship me, who is seated in your heart, as well as, in the hearts of all beings."
If we can just remember this it could be really great! JaiSaibaba for the day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Dear Saibaba Fans Jaisiaram to all you.

Saibaba used to say " I do not desire fruits, flowers, leaves or water as offering to me. I do not ask for gold. I want only two paise made of love and devotion. I want you devotees to Me faithful, loyal and surrendered, I want you to have patience, perseverance and dedication. This is the Dakshina which I would like to receive from you"

Dear devotees Faith and Patience is what Saibaba has always insisted upon, I guess we all know that having faith and patience in higher authority and oursevles can work wonder.. we have to just work on it !! Jaisaibaba to all devotees.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Wonderful Day to Saibabafans.

Dear Saibabafans have a great day today, Jaisainath to all.

Saibaba used to say "Trust in me and your prayers shall be answered"

All we have to do is keep our trust and faith in Saibaba and rest will be taken care of, very simple to understand isn't it? then how hard it could be to follow? I wonder! JaiSainath to all.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Helllo Saibabafans

Dears Saibabafans Happy Weekend to you all!!

Saibaba used to say "I always think of him, who remembers me. I run and manifest myself to Him, who lovingly call me"

This is what Saibaba has always said and is known for his miracles to his true devotees, its really fascinating. Have you ever felt that way? I have. Jaisianath to all


Friday, June 19, 2009

Warm Welcome Saibabafans

Dear Saibaba fans Jai saibaba to all of you.

Saibaba used to say" Watch the present, and the future will take care of itself."

We try to read books which asks us to live in "now" Saibaba has being telling this 100years ago. Only if we just watch the present and enjoy the moment! are we able to do that? Jai Saibaba to all of you.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Dear Saibaba Fans Good day to you all.

Saibaba used to say" This is our Dwarkamai, where you are sitting. She wards of all dangers and anxieties of children,who sit on her lap. this Masjidmai, its presiding deity is very merciful. She is the mother of the simple devotee, whom she will save from calamities. Once person sits in her lap, all his troubles are over. He who rests in her shade, gets bliss"

This saying of Saibaba is so true, if we can hold up to our faith in him in our turmoil phase!. Jai Sainath to all.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Dear Saibaba fans JaiSaiRam to all of you.

Saibaba used to say "He, who shuns transitory pleasures, lands in the Inner lake of Immortality"

Can we ever shun transitory goodies from our life? I wonder! lets see if anyone has tried to do that.
Jai Sainath to all


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Dear Saibabafans good day to you.

Saibaba used to say " My master told me to give bounteously to all that ask. No one ask. No one asks with wisdom. My treasury is open, No one brings carts to take away the real treasures. I say: dig and search, but no one wants to take any pains. Be the true sons of the Divine Mother and fully stock yourself. What is to become of us? This body will return to earth and the air we breathe will melt into air. This oppotunity will not return"

Well Saibaba fans, this saying of Saibaba is with very deep meaning, what do we make of it, is all upto our understanding! what's your take on it?

JaiSainath to all Sai-devotees.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Dear Saibaba fans, Hope you had great weekend.

Saibaba used to say " If my leelas (great deeds) are written, the Avidya will vanish and if they are attentively and devotedly listened to, the consciousness of the wordly existence will abate (go or fade away); and strong waves of devotion,and love will rise up and if one dives deep in to my Leelas, he would get precious jewels of knowledge."

His sayings have deep meanings, even if we understand and follow 0.000000000000001% of it, then we should consider ourselves lucky!

Jaisairam to all Saibaba fans


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Dear Saibabafans Happy weekend to you all.

Saibaba used to say " If you spread your palms with devotion before me, I am immediately with you day and night. Though I am here bodily, still I know what you do beyond the seven seas. Go wherever you will, over the wide world, I am with you. My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Worship Me always, who is seated in your heart, as well as in the hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate indeed is he, who knows me thus"

Thats what Saibaba has always said, and in saifan Darshan's words as if sai is saying don't worry "Main hoo na" so true. Jai SAIRAM to all saibabafans. Thanks for staying spritiually connected.

Friday, June 12, 2009



SAIBABA USED TO SAY " I am a shepherd who always tenderly looks after his flock"

Just knowing that and keeping in mind what saibaba has said brings peace to our soul.

Saibaba fan Ravi said yesterday bringing " child like nature" in his world works.. glad to know that.

Jaisaibaba to all the Fans who comes here & wishes Jaisainth.


Thursday, June 11, 2009



SAIBABA USED TO SAY " Be child-like. An innocent child like nature is most pleasing to God"

Its so wonderfully said, If a person can maintain his "child like nature" as he/she grows up, then I think one can enjoy their life just like kids do. I guess it is very hard to maintain child like nature in this busy world, but I think its worth trying it.. even if its one time a day , a week or a month! Also Saibaba asked us to maintain "Childlike nature" not to be "childish" and we know the difference!!! Everyone of us has come across a person who has" child like nature" and are always Happy.. and we love to be around them, do you think so? Jai Sainath to all.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Dear Saibaba fans Jaisainath to you all. Great day to You.

Saibaba used to say "If you always say "sai", "sai", I shall take you over the seven seas"

This was his way of saying if you think of him at anypoint in your life he will bring peace to you. His life stories are known all over the world, there are millions of his devotees who has experienced peace in his teachings. JaiSainath to all.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jai Sainath

Dear Saibaba Fans Jai Sainath to all of you!! New day-Fresh beginning.

SAIBABA used to say " If one meditates on me, repeats My name and sings about My deeds, he is transformed and his Karma is destroyed. I stay by his side always"

His teachings has been very powerful. One who has felt his guidance and love is truly blessed. don't you agree? Do you feel that way? I always feel great just thinking about Saibaba. Have a blessing day.

Jai sainath to all.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Saibaba ki Jay ho !


Sainath has said " He who loves Me must, always see me. The whole world is desolate (deserted) to him without me, he tells no stories but mine, I feel indebted to him, who surrenders completely to Me and ever remembers Me.."

Reading Saicharitra in 7 days is said to give immense mental strength and peace. I just want to greet Saibaba devotees Jai Sainath. Peace and Prosperity to all.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hello Saibaba Fans

Jai Shirdisaibaba to all the saibaba fans!!!

Saibaba has said " If one perpetually thinks of me, and makes me his sole refuge, I become his debtor and will give my head to save him"

I am a great devotee of Saibaba. I have lot of faith in him. If you are the one like me and have some wonderful experience to share about saibaba then you are most welcome.
